After 4 years of teaching, I think I have officially changed my behavior management plan EVERY YEAR! Not this time! I found my groove and I'm stickin' with it!
Okay first, I use a computer tracking system called Here is a view of my homeroom class page.
It allows you to give positive points and negative points for behaviors. As you can see I have a rockin' class this year. Its totally customizable. It is amazing and allows a considerable amount of ways to communicate with your parents. Many teachers at my school use it! It also has an app for your smart phone so you can access it anywhere in the school building. WAAHOO!
Then, the last 10 minutes of class we review our points. As you can see most of my students ended with a positive day. There are two who ended with no points. Some days, I will have friends end on negative. Any student who is on positive at the end of the day is rewarded with a sticker in their personal behavior chart. They also get these following rewards:
Positive friends will also sign their name on the LEARN bingo board. I will then usually draw 3 balls and anyone with their name on that square will get extra rewards.
If they win bingo, I have either my Super Star Jar. (candy)
My lottery tickets range from a new pencil, positive point on Class Dojo ( see beginning of this post), to prize box or eat lunch in the class room.
Any negative students will have the undesirable behaviors documented in their personal behavior chart. You can use any consequence you feel . I try to focus more on the positive, but I do sometimes have students who are on negative by recess time, owe me some thinking time.
As you can see I have many stages of my behavior management. However, it kept the kiddos engaged and aware of their behaviors throughout the entire year!