Thursday, August 15, 2013


I did a post on my swag poster and I made a few variations for ya'll! I might even have to use one myself! Here they are. You can get them here.

Speeding Tickets

I found an idea like this on pinterest. But of course I made my own version. You have lots of kiddos the first semester that rush through their work and make silly mistakes or just plain messy!

I found a fun way to tell them they need to go back over it without the public humiliation. I just simply staple a speeding ticket onto their paper and place it back in their not done folder. Their name will appear on the Ketchup Board and they will know exactly what I want done. :) We will see how this works! I might even work into my point system if they don't get any speeding tickets for the week! YOU CAN GET IT HERE!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Do your students have SWAG?

I found this idea somewhere out in pinterest land, of course. But I altered it a bit. I found myself last year saying things like: "Sit up straight" "Your brain doesn't work when its flat" ( laying head on desk) " Eyes on me" etc.  So I implemented this idea and my students really responded well. If I saw any student not following those expectations I would just remind "Remember, we have SWAG here" Or  "Aren't you SWAGALICIOUS" etc. I had to make it fun for them, not a rule. I am having a friend turn this in to a poster for me,... ( WE have a poster maker, but its only black and white... BLAH) When it is posted in my classroom I will post pictures.  Click the picture to get it at my TPT store!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Classroom 2013-2014!!!!!!!

Howdy! It is T- minus 4 days until we begin staff development week. I have spent over three weeks off and on getting my classroom set up. OF COURSE, I changed a lot of things this year so I took tons of photos and I'm giving you a sneak peek!

 This is the view from the door. We have suites so my room is the back room. You have to walk through my suitemates room first. The pictures are going to go counter clockwise around the room.
This is what I put on the wall in between our suites as well. It is my multiplication graffiti wall. The kiddos get to sign each section when they have mastered that fact!


Word Wall! 
If you notice I have a blue sparkly board to the left. It is my no name board!Here is a close up of that! Those are clothes pins I painted black and stuck to the sparkly paper I got from Hobby Lobby!

My Class Jobs Clip chart .
Next is the Turn in Table. Highlighters to help them remember their name. Box Tops can. Electronic Stapler. Both Math and Science turn in baskets. If you were absent box where I place extra copies. Construction paper and their privacy folders are in the little cubbies. Off to the left side is my "Drop Box". This is if they have any forms/notes/money/etc. to turn in.
Under the Turn in Table are the table baskets where I am going to store their notebooks and folders for Math and Science class. This way I don't have to worry about it not being brought to the room. It is already here. The clipboard is used to separate the different classes. the supply manager for each table will be in charge of grabbing it when they enter the room.
My Outstanding Work wall.
My teacher area.

My filing system behind my kidney table. I use the 10 drawer cart for copies of any worksheets/materials I will use that day. The bottom drawers have copies for future weeks. The smaller cart is my student files and teacher material files.
My Anchor Chart bulletin boards.And the mobile whiteboard is for when we do whole group instruction on the carpet ( which is not in the correct place, I'm just now noticing! It would be centered with the white board and Anchor chart boards.)
My Ticket out the Door poster. I will use sticky notes for quick assessing what they got that day. It is behind the mobile white board. The stars have the students numbers on them.
My station cabinet along with important binders that will need to be accessible. The bins I got at Walmart for 3.50 a piece.

My document camera area. The black hanging file thing is used to hold my class notebooks we do and any other items I expect the kiddos to have.
The camera area is right next to my teacher computer but we are going to skip over that. Next, is my Learn Bingo Board. For more information on how I use that, see this behavior management post from April 16,2013.
This is where my class pet Leopard Gecko will be located. The board behind him is for Anchor charts we use year long. The cabinet beneath it is used for extra tissues, sanitizer, construction paper, etc.
Next is my wonderful computer station! :) The table I did myself with DUCT TAPE YA'LL!
This is my whiteboard that I will use for my SWAG poster. ( Posting that when I have it made). MY objectives, and my instruction board.
Here is a close up of the instruction board. This was an idea off pinterest that I found really helpful!  Those are the questions or instructions  I constantly answer/repeat. Sooooo, I just check either side of the instruction before they get started so they know!
Moving counter clockwise still, my final wall. The lovely cabinet space we have.
 This Star Student display is for my 6 wks honor roll and Super Bobcats!
These are our Whole Brain Teaching Rules. I created a sixth one that our school might be adopting.
KETCHUPS AND PICKLES display! Another pinterest find! If they owe any work a clip with their name will be under Ketchups. It even specifies what subject because they have two teachers.

My Weekly folders. This is where I pass back graded papers and they pick up on Wednesdays to go home. I also keep extra forms/informational flyers in the bottom pocket in case they need another one!
And we are all the way around the room, walls atleast. Here are my desk arrangements. This view is from the front of my classroom.

 Another from the front. I have four tables.
This a view from the entry.
Now I know you noticed those lovely storage carts in the middle of every table. This is my first year to do supplies in this way so I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Here is a look at those.
A view of what sits on top. From left to right: trash can, pencil container. If you notice the toilet paper roll in the center that it where the SHARP pencils will be and the dull ones will be outside of it. NO MORE PENCIL SURFING! ( searching for a sharp pencil.) Then we have the tissue box and sanitizer behind that.

This is the labels on each drawer so it is a no brainer where the materials are.
Top drawer. I put colored tape around some of those supplies BECAUSE, they are only there to RENT. It is emergency supplies if someone forgot their stuff at home.. grrrrrrrrrrr. I will know if they are using the EMERGENCY stash because of the tape.
Middle drawer. Those great erasers are at the dollar tree. The big one is for whoever is the supply manager that week. ONLY THE SUPPLY MANAGER can access the entire supply cart. That way if it is messy, I know who to speak with.
Bottom drawer. The empty white bins are for our Goals Journals that you can see about in this post.

That's it for now guys! Have fun getting your stuff ready. Let me know if you have any questions and I will be sure to post more soon. What do you think so far?????