Thursday, May 9, 2013

Behavior Management


I know, you're feelin' it probably as bad as I am! Behavior gets super weird... One day phenomenal, the next down right rediculous.  I found this while surfing pinterest and put together a few ideas I saw and created my 30 days left! system for the end of the year...

I devised an evil plan to keep my students on their best behavior, so I stay sane. Okay so here is how it works:
First, I still use my Class Dojo website for daily classroom management. But, the spin I put on it is that at the end of the day (last 20 minutes or so) any student on POSITIVE gets to participate in popping a balloon to reveal an activity the class gets to do. :) Here is what I started with the first week:
Balloons blown up with helium and cute little paper weights...... and after the FIRST DAY, they were hanging on the floor!!! EPIC FAIL :( We kept those balloons, but the next week I came up with this:
These WERE NOT helium filled.  I just bought an air pumper from Target and put a few of my kiddos to work. I just stapled the tied part of the balloon onto one of my bulletin boards. It is difficult to tell, but I numbered the balloons to correlate with each week. I did this on purpose. Each week, the five balloons contained an extra recess card, a free time card, and 3different Minute To Win It games. I just went to the website, used their games, and altered some of the supplies needed. Now we don't get to it every day. So don't think I am perfectly fitting this into my calm schedule.
Here is the an example of cards I used:

You can get these here!! And remember, even though it's almost over you have to keep them motivated.

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